Sustainable Transport for Ōtautahi
Transport makes up 53% of carbon emissions in Christchurch and getting more people in busses, on bikes and walking will make a big dent in that. But it's not just emissions - better health, quieter neighbourhoods, lower congestion, better air quality and cost savings for individuals and the city are all proven benefits of sustainable transport modes.
The National Emissions Reduction Plan calls for a 41% reduction in transport emissions by 2035 and that means reducing the number of trips we do and switching modes away from cars when we can and improving fuels (ie electric). It includes a national target of reducing vehicle kilometres traveled (vkt) by 20% by 2035 and a city target to be set by the end of 2022.
So, we need to change how we travel - and that's not a bad think, just different. It will take investment, but we can make public transport, cycling and walking great options for getting around our city.
Here's a great overview of the benefits of cycling for our city. Don’t believe the backlash – the benefits of investing more in cycling will far outweigh the costs |
Not only do public transport, cycling and walking reduce carbon emissions, but they improve our health in other ways too. Christchurch has the second highest pollution death rate overall, but the highest traffic pollution death rate. Invercargill revealed as deadliest centre for air pollution, study finds |
Active travel also has excellent health outcomes and this study looks at the lower rates of obesity and diabetes in cities designed for walking, cycling and PT. Diabetes and obesity: Pedestrian-friendly cities have lower rates | New Scientist The CDHB have been big supporters of the Major Cycleways Routes - not only for the reduction in injuries if people bike away from traffic, but because 40% of the health budget is expected to be spent on preventable diabetes related costs by 2040. That's huge!
The benefits of public transport (PT) are well known for reducing congestion and for social equity - getting people around to work and other places without the need to fork out for the expenses of a vehicle. Along with Cr Mike Davidson (CCC), Cr Lan Pham (Ecan) and Cr Vicky Southworth (Ecan) we've been advocating for greater investment in PT and sooner, so we can get a better system in place for residents. Better public transport needed now |